I wish all of you a very Happy New Year 2010 with lots of beach trips and beach fun! It has been a great year, hopefully the next one will be as good if not better! Make sure you get to the beach as often as you can, it is such a cleansing and refreshing experience, and do collect your seashells for some artwork while you are there! 🙂
Tags: Happy New Year
Category: Uncategorized
Petra is German and absolutely loves the beach and the ocean. She is living in sunny Perth, Western Australia, with her partner, 2 children and 2 Jack Russell dogs and takes every opportunity to go for long walks at the beach, or go beach combing, or just watch the sunset at the beach with friends and a glass of wine. With this blog she wants to help you bring the precious beach into your home to relax and enjoy!
WHAT LUCK! I I found your site on yahoo. this is really great stuff! I have bookmarked. I will be back!
Thanks for this great website. I am trying to read some more posts but I cant get your website to display properly in my Opera Browser. Thanks again.
So long ive dont go to a beach.. =(
Great year to you too 😀